An authentic covered wagon from pioneer days is alive and well in Fort Langley! As you drive down Queen St, behind the Farm Museum, your attention is attracted to the covered wagon on the lawn. The wagon promotes the pioneer life collection on exhibit at the BC Farm Museum. If the wagon could speak the stories would be fascinating!
One story it would definitely tell would be about the afternoon the then Premier of BC and some dignitaries rode in the covered wagon pulled by a team of horses to be the first vehicle to drive through the George Massey Tunnel. Maybe we can recreate that event when the new bridge opens. . . this time pulled by a tractor?
Our volunteers put in thousands of hours each year to collect, restore, preserve and exhibit our pioneer history. Each item in our museum is special to us and is becoming rarer every day. Each item has a story and we spend a great deal of time looking for ways to tell that story.
Volunteers always welcome……

Monday volunteers are busy refurbishing, restoring and painting up a wide
variety of pioneer artifacts. We are blessed with a very talented group at the
moment. Their skill level in so many different areas is impressive. Items being
restored include hammer mills, egg incubators, motors, wheel ‘shrinkers’….and
many other interesting and rare items.
Our “upstairs” Monday volunteer crew works in the Horse section, on the
Database, in the Library, on our Financials and we work on new artifacts coming
in plus setting up new displays.
Behind the scenes, volunteers work hard to raise money for our long list of projects.
We count on our volunteers each and every week…..their continuing effort is what keeps the BC Farm Museum going, in trying to improve and preserve this museum’s collection for future generations.
Our bedrock has always been our amazing volunteers. There are volunteer opportunities either at the Museum or at Home.

Do you enjoy building things, poking around engines, working with tools in a workshop?
Can you wield a duster, a vacuum or a mop to help keep the Museum and artifacts looking great?
Do you enjoy working on computers?
Do you like designing posters and newsletters?
Do you like meeting people at special events?
Do you have professional expertise to share?
There are jobs small and large waiting for you in good company.
Volunteers must first be a Member, so simply fill in the form found in the Menu above and return it to the BC Farm Museum